
such as the wings of a tiger Learn more about such as the wings of a tiger

  • Angelica yellow tigers

    Angelica yellow tigers

    1. Morphological characteristics of adults: body length 14,19mm, wingspan 32mm 34mm. Yellowish brown or taupe. The front wing is grayish yellow, the horizontal line of the wing surface is not obvious, but the reniform pattern, ring pattern and rod pattern are clear. The center and outer margin of the wing are dark brown. The hind wings are white and the leading edge is slightly yellowish brown. Eggs: hemispherical, about 0.5 mm in diameter. There are 16-20 longitudinal ridges on the surface of the eggshell. Larva: the length of the growing larva is 33mm to 43mm. Yellowish brown, shiny. There are many wrinkles on the body surface, and the particles are not significant. Buttock

  • How do butterflies spend the winter?

    How do butterflies spend the winter?

    When the flowers bloom in spring, the butterflies can always be seen among the flowers, but not in winter. Is that how butterflies spend the winter? What good-looking varieties do you have? How do butterflies spend the winter? Butterflies can survive the winter in many ways, such as adult butterflies.

    2020-11-11 Butterflies how winter every time spring warm flowers when in bloom always
  • What do longicorn beetles eat?

    What do longicorn beetles eat?

    What do longicorn beetles eat?

  • Are longicorn beetles beneficial insects or pests?

    Are longicorn beetles beneficial insects or pests?

    Are longicorn beetles beneficial insects or pests?

  • How do you pronounce it? Is it poisonous after biting?

    How do you pronounce it? Is it poisonous after biting?

    Also known as plywood, plyworms, fingernail beetles, scissors, two mother clamps, ear clamps, is a common insect in the tropics and subtropics, often appearing in bark crevices, deciduous leaves, and rotten wood. How do you pronounce it? Is it poisonous after biting?

    2020-11-11 Poison read bite poison
  • A brief introduction to Cymbidium of Liliaceae

    A brief introduction to Cymbidium of Liliaceae

    A brief introduction to Cymbidium of Liliaceae

  • A Complete Collection of Chinese Spring Orchid Varieties

    A Complete Collection of Chinese Spring Orchid Varieties

    Spring orchid crystal lily, once in Jiangsu (Suzhou) spring orchid exhibition won awards.

  • What are the common insects?

    What are the common insects?

    What are the common insects?

  • Ganoderma lucidum tiger

    Ganoderma lucidum tiger

    The ground tiger belongs to Lepidoptera, Noctuidae. It is not only an important pest on agricultural and forestry crops, but also a common pest in the cultivation of edible fungi such as Ganoderma lucidum, Tremella fuciformis, fungus and Pleurotus ostreatus. It occurs more frequently in outdoor open field sunny bed cultivation and plastic greenhouse. The larvae feed on the hyphae of Ganoderma lucidum, inhibit the growth of hyphae, affect the formation of fruiting bodies, and decrease the yield and quality of Ganoderma lucidum. Morphological characteristics: adult body length 16-23 mm, wingspan 42-54 mm

  • What are the species of tiger wasps?

    What are the species of tiger wasps?

    Tiger-headed wasp is so named because it has the same lines as tiger spots, and its temperament is also very ferocious, like a tiger. Tiger-headed wasps are the medium to control diseases and insect pests in nature, because their food is a variety of insects. Tiger head wasps are mainly distributed in China.

    2020-11-11 Tiger head bee species species which tiger head bee the reason called this
  • Early Control of main Underground damage of Potato

    Early Control of main Underground damage of Potato

    First, the main pests 1. Mole cricket is also called Lala Oratosquilla, country Dog son. The adults of mole cricket (fully winged) and nymphs (unwinged) are harmful to potatoes. It uses mouthparts and front claws (front feet) to tear the underground stems or roots of potatoes into disordered filaments, wilting or dying the aboveground parts, and sometimes biting buds so that the buds can not grow, resulting in lack of seedlings. It digs tunnels in the soil, separates the young roots from the soil, breathes air, causes water loss, affects the growth of seedlings, and even dies. It bites tubers in autumn to make holes or make them

  • What kind of animal is the beast?

    What kind of animal is the beast?

    Yuanyu is a ferocious auspicious animal recorded in ancient Chinese books and folk myths and legends, and it is regarded as an auspicious beast that turns misfortune into auspiciousness. It is said that in addition to the effects of good luck and fighting off evil spirits, it also plays a role in housing, turning too old, promoting marriage and so on. Chinese tradition has decoration and wearing.

    2020-11-11 What is it animals yes Chinese ancient books records and
  • Xiao Hong plane crosses the starry sky

    Xiao Hong plane crosses the starry sky

    Introduction to the author: one-hand brush and one-hand flowers: garden major, love plants and nature since childhood, look forward to always be engaged in plant-related work, only beautiful flowers and delicacies in the world can not be failed, Weibo @ one-hand brush, one-hand flowers narrow leaves different wings vine, red fruit.

  • Agricultural mechanization makes modern agriculture like a tiger and traditional agriculture coruscates new vitality

    Agricultural mechanization makes modern agriculture like a tiger and traditional agriculture coruscates new vitality

    As a policy to help individual farmers, farm workers, professional households of agricultural machinery and service organizations directly engaged in agricultural production to purchase and update agricultural machinery, subsidy for the purchase of agricultural machinery has always been an important part of the national policy of three subsidies to strengthen agriculture and benefit farmers. it is also the implementation of the Central Committee No.1.

    2016-03-20 Agricultural machinery transformation transfer modern agriculture such as the wings of a tiger tradition agriculture
  • What is the efficacy and effect of tiger-head bee wine? The production method of tiger head bee wine is attached!

    What is the efficacy and effect of tiger-head bee wine? The production method of tiger head bee wine is attached!

    Tiger head bee wine, which is made from tiger head bee (ground bee), first sprang up in folklore. So what is the effect and effect of tiger head bee wine? What are the production methods of tiger head bee wine? Let's take a look at it together. First, the efficacy of tiger-headed bee wine

    2020-11-11 Tiger head bee wine efficacy and function attachment production method tiger head
  • This store is crazy! 50 per capita can eat crabs and shrimp, and 50% discount on sauce.

    This store is crazy! 50 per capita can eat crabs and shrimp, and 50% discount on sauce.

    This store is crazy! 50 per capita can eat crabs and shrimp, and 50% discount on sauce.

  • Control techniques of lawn beetles

    Control techniques of lawn beetles

    Maoming is located in the southwest of Guangdong Province with a warm and humid climate. There is a large area of lawn in the green space in the city, and the main varieties are Taiwan grass and big-leaf oil grass. These special geographical and plant conditions lead to the frequent occurrence of beetles in our city, and sometimes a large number of them, which do great harm to the plant growth and landscape of the public green space in our city. After years of practice, the occurrence and control techniques of turf beetles in our city are introduced as follows: first, the species and morphological characteristics of beetles: after years of observation, the damage on the lawn in this city is more serious.

  • The living habits of butterflies

    The living habits of butterflies

    The living habits of butterflies

  • Speech training of budgerigar

    Speech training of budgerigar

    Speech training of budgerigar

  • Are woodpeckers, magpies and swallows good birds or bad birds? What kind of food do you eat?

    Are woodpeckers, magpies and swallows good birds or bad birds? What kind of food do you eat?

    In daily life, we often see all kinds of birds such as woodpeckers, magpies and swallows. Many people will not know whether they are beneficial birds or harmful birds. Beneficial birds and harmful birds are seen from the point of view of human interests. Beneficial birds are good birds for human beings, and harmful birds are harmful to human beings.

    2020-11-11 Woodpecker magpie swallow yes beneficial bird or harmful bird Lord